維修需知 Notice

※ 各系列燈板保固與使用注意事項 ※
1. 產品基本保固一年,期限內非人為損壞可做免費之維修。

2. 維修與售後服務,如產品有使用上或安裝上的疑問,可直接電洽經銷商做後續的售後服務。


3. 本產品須先搭配專用所附變壓器,勿直接供應110v或220v電源,以避免LED直接燒壞之問題產生。


4. 本產品為室內型用之燈箱/燈板,所配零件皆嚴禁浸(淋)水及避免水氣、黏劑或腐蝕溶劑浸蝕。


5. 安裝前請先確認產品完整性,無破損或電線外露得以安裝,且不得串接其它電器類產品。


※ Each series LED Lightbox warranty and precautions ※


1. Product one year warranty, free of artificial damage do repairs within the time limit.


2. The maintenance and after-sales service, such as product have questions on the use or installation, you can contact us, we will have someone to help you.


3. The product must first appended with dedicated transformers, do not directly supply 110v or 220v power, to avoid damage.


4. This product light box with the indoor / LED board, the parts are equipped with non-watering and avoid moisture, sticky or corrosive solvent attack.


5. Before installation, please confirm integrity of the product, no damage or exposed wires to install, and can not be connected in series and other electrical products.


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